ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.
Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.
Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.
ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.
Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)
Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)
Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)
Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.
Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.
Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.
Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.
Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.
Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.
Kitoko Sun Aizsardzība aizsargā pret UV stariem 100 ml šampūns
Efektīva veselības aizsardzība un krāsu matiem no UV stariem.
šampūns ir ideāls ceļabiedrs ceļošanai un atpūtai . Maigi noņem no matiem ar jūras sāli un hlora atliekas,
tādējādi optimizējot mitruma līdzsvaru . Neskatoties uz intensīvo sauļošanās ,
jūsu krāsotie vai tonētie mati nezaudē spīdumu un bagātīgu krāsu !
Kitoko Sun Aizsardzības pasargā no UV stariem maska 100ml
Efektīva veselības aizsardzība un krāsu matus no UV stariem
Maska aktīvi mitrina un ir tonizējošs efekts uz saules bojātiem matiem vai jūras ūdenī , tādējādi atjauno to struktūru
Mati būs elastīgāki , veselīgi un aizsargā no saules apdegumiem .
Ūdenī nešķīstošie UVA UVB filtri aizsargā pret saules stariem , pat navigācijas laikā .
Kitoko Sun Aizsardzības aerosols matiem no UV stariem 100ml
Efektīva veselības aizsardzība un krāsu matiem no UV stariem
Aizsargā pret bojājumiem , ko izraisa saules gaismas iedarbības absorbē UV -A , UV - B stari ,
samazinātu to iekļūšanu matos .
Tas aizsargā matus no iekšpuses
Kitoko Matu eļļa 10ml
Kitoko eļļa satur maisījumu ar šī sviestu un argana eļļa, bagāta ar antioksidantiem , omega eļļu un vitamīniem A un E
Eļļa ir paredzēta matiem un galvas ādas , nevis matu pastiprinoši apstākļi .
Neaizstājamās taukskābes baro matus no iekšpuses , kas dod matu neticamu elastību un spīdumu .
27,25 €
Tonējoša ( tonēšana ) matu krāsa ,lai izveidotu radošu, spilgtu un pasteļtoni uz iepriekš balinātiem matiem ,
tonizējoša , krāsu korekcija , krāsu restaurācijas.
19,32 €
Bioceana is a unique formula with an extracts of pearls, corals, algae and caviar. The formula with a high content of minerals and protein penetrates deep into the hair, nourishes, moisturizes and smooths, gives shine and radiance from the roots to the tips. The synergistic effect of biotin, zinc and burdock extract provides regeneration and restores normal functioning of the scalp, reducing excessive sebum secretion. Mask also contains selected conditioning components that give hair softness and make it easier to comb.
10,07 €
Re-energise conditioner 300 ml
Placenta Vitae shampoo with placenta extract and panthenol 250ml.
Shampoo with a restorative and strengthening effect. The included placenta extract and panthenol make this shampoo especially suitable for weak and sparse hair. shampoo slows down hair loss and stimulates growth.
Placenta Vitae balm with placenta extract and panthenol 250ml.
Restorative conditioner for weak and sparse hair Thanks to the composition enriched with placenta extract and panthenol, it nourishes the hair along its entire length, making it strong and fluffy. The conditioner slows down hair loss and stimulates growth.
Placenta Vitae Placenta Vitae Hair Fall Prevention Lotion 12x10ml.
The included placental extract provides a restorative effect.
When applied to the skin, the placenta extract and pro-vitamin B, nettles and collagen strengthen the hair roots and
restore the skin's natural balance.
Thanks to the conditioning effect, it makes the hair soft, elastic and easy to comb even after the first use.
Placenta Vitae hair ampoules are designed for all hair types: especially for fragile and weak hair,
and for hair prone to breakage and breakage. Promotes hair growth.
Thanks to the deep restorative effect, the hair becomes more elastic and fluffy.
34,26 €