Jauni produkti Skatīt vairāk

ItalWax TopFormula granules Emerald , 750g

Semi-transparent wax has out of ordinary plasticity.
Applied by big application, doesn’t break during easy removing.
Special ingredients allow the grip and remove course and short hair from 1mm.

Produkta kods : 720330 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
11,90 € (8%)
12,90 €

Sintētiskais vasks.

Premium vaska kārtridžs nodrošina maksimālu komfortu depilācijas laikā. Paredzēts lielu ķermeņa daļu ārstēšanai.

Premium vaskam ir sintētisks sastāvs, kas novērš alerģiskas reakcijas uz jutīgas ādas. Novatoriskā vaska formula ļauj noķert ļoti īsus matiņus līdz 1 mm garumā un, pareizi lietojot, noņemt pat ļoti rupjus skūšanās matiņus.


Produkta kods : 720385 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
1,60 € (34%)
2,44 €

Sintētiskais vasks ir paredzēts lielu ķermeņa zonu, piemēram, roku un kāju, epilēšanai. Šis vasks ir elastīgākais un elastīgākais TOP LINE līnijā.

Vasks nebojā maigu un jutīgu ādu, un tam ir hipoalerģisks sastāvs.


Vispirms uzsildiet produktu līdz apmēram 40 grādu temperatūrai. Uzklājiet losjonu uz vaksācijas zonas, lai notīrītu ādu. Viegli apkaisa vietu ar talka pulveri. Uzklājiet vasku ar lāpstiņu, vienmērīgi sadalot to pa ādas virsmu. Pēc tam uzklājiet depilācijas papīra sloksni. Atcerieties uzklāt vasku matu augšanas virzienā un noņemt pret to. Noplēsiet lenti ar ātru, asu kustību. Depilācija vienā vietā nav ieteicama vairāk kā divas reizes. Pēc depilācijas noslaukiet atlikušo vasku no ādas ar losjonu.

Produkta kods : 720378 ,   Piegādes laiks: 1-3 päeva
12,90 €
Popular products Skatīt vairāk
Tonējoša ( tonēšana ) matu krāsa ,lai izveidotu radošu, spilgtu un pasteļtoni uz iepriekš balinātiem matiem ,
tonizējoša , krāsu korekcija , krāsu restaurācijas.


Produkta kods : 44018 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
15,45 € (20%)
19,32 €
Efektīva veselības aizsardzība un krāsu matus no UV stariem
Aizsargā pret bojājumiem , ko izraisa saules gaismas iedarbības absorbē UV -A , UV - B stari ,
samazinātu to iekļūšanu matos . Tas aizsargā matus no iekšpuses
Produkta kods : 19575 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
9,05 € (31%)
13,12 €

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.


Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)

Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)

Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)

Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.

Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.

Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.

Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.

Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.

Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.

Produkta kods : 227436 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
14,23 €

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.


Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)

Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)

Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)

Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.

Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.

Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.

Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.

Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.

Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.

Produkta kods : 227467 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
14,23 €

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.


Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)

Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)

Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)

Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.

Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.

Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.

Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.

Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.

Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.

Produkta kods : 227481 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
14,23 €

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.


Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)

Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)

Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)

Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.

Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.

Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.

Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.

Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.

Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.

Produkta kods : 227399 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
14,23 €

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.


Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)

Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)

Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)

Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.

Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.

Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.

Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.

Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.

Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.

Produkta kods : 227450 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
14,23 €

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.


Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)

Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)

Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)

Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.

Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.

Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.

Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.

Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.

Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.

Produkta kods : 227504 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
14,23 €

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.


Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)

Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)

Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)

Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.

Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.

Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.

Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.

Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.

Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.

Produkta kods : 227405 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
14,23 €

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.


Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)

Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)

Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)

Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.

Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.

Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.

Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.

Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.

Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.

Produkta kods : 227498 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
14,23 €

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

Plant-based colour that mixes with water for beautiful, damage-free results that last up to 20 washes - perfect for fragile or damaged hair, first time colour clients and those ingredient sensitivies.

ASP Kitoko introduced its new vegan-friendly and gluten-free botanical color ASP KITOKO. 12 new shades are available, based on seven natural colors.


Step 1: Pre-shampoo with Deep cleansing shampoo and blow-dry thoroughly (the colour must be applied to clean dry hair)

Step 2: Mixing. Normal hair: 1 part powder to 5 parts water (40 g powder + 200 g water)

Resistant white hair: 1 part powder to 4 parts water (40 g powder + 160 g water)

Measure the powder (40 g - 1 sachet), then add hot purified water ( 200 g , 80 degrees). Mix well with whisk until you get smooth mexture.

Wait 3-4 minutes for pigments to release/activate.

Step 3: Application. Allow the mixture to cool to body temperature (aprox 37 degrees) then apply. This can be tested on the inside of the wrist. Cover and apply gentle heat. Total development time 45 minutes.

Step 4: Allow hair to cool before rinsing to lock the colour into the hair. Do not emulsify the hair like with a traditional colour before rinsing.

Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo gently with your chosen shampoo (NOT DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO), rinse thoroughly, towel dry and apply balm, leave for 1 minute then rinse thoroughly.

Do not wash for 48 hours to allow colour to fully lock-in.

Produkta kods : 227443 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
14,23 €

Ceļojuma komplektā ietilpst:

*Hydro - Revive šampūns 100ml 

*Balzāms Hydro - Revive 100ml

*Sun Spray 75 ml ķermenim

 Kitoko oil 10ml

Produkta kods : 195 ,   Piegādes laiks: 2
29,38 € (29%)
41,58 €

Ceļojuma komplektā ietilpst:

*Hydro - Revive šampūns 100ml 

*Balzāms Hydro - Revive 100ml

*Sun Spray 75 ml ķermenim

Kitoko oil 10ml

Produkta kods : 1951 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
29,38 € (29%)
41,58 €



Produkta kods : 44015 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
15,25 € (25%)
20,33 €
Tonējoša ( tonēšana ) matu krāsa ,lai izveidotu radošu, spilgtu un pasteļtoni uz iepriekš balinātiem matiem ,
tonizējoša , krāsu korekcija , krāsu restaurācijas.
Produkta kods : 44016 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
15,45 € (20%)
19,32 €