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ItalWax Topline cartridge, Coral, 100 ml

Vienība: tk
Piegādes laiks: 1-3 päeva
Cena: 2,44 €
1,60 €
Daudzums: - +
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Created for hair removal on big areas (arms, legs, back)

Premium class wax has synthetic composition, excluding allergy reactions on sensitive skin.
The innovative wax formula allows it to capture very short hairs with a length of 1 mm and, when used correctly, remove even very stiff after-shave hair. 

The wax in the cartridges does not leak in any position.

Melting temperature 37 – 39 °C.

Līdzīgās preces
ItalWax Flex - unikāls maisījums dabas un sintētisko vasku.

Ideāls vaksācija lielu ķermeņa zonām, piemēram, rokām un kājām.

Kušanas temperatūra 37-40 ° C
Produkta kods : 173040 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
1,60 € (37%)
2,54 €

Three heaters with one base. Each heater has a power indicator, there are three “on/off” buttons on the base, which allows to turn on only one or two heaters, remaining the others turned off. 

Produkta kods : 164581 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
49,90 €

Sejas maska ar zelta un bišu indes ekstraktiem

Nav nekāds noslēpums, ka japāņi ir nācija, kas stingri ievēro veselīga dzīvesveida noteikumus, kā arī pievērš īpašu uzmanību dabīgiem un tradicionāliem pārtikas produktiem un kosmētikai. Daudzi mēģina atklāt japāņu sieviešu skaistuma noslēpumus un saprast, kā viņām izdodas saglabāt savu jaunību. 

Zelts pozitīvi ietekmē kolagēna un elastīna veidošanos, padara ādu mirdzošu. Bišu inde jau izsenis tiek lietota kā ārstniecības līdzeklis, tā stimulē kolagēna un elastīna veidošanos, mitrina ādu padara to tvirtāku.

Produkta kods : 0001 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
1,79 € (20%)
2,24 €
Italwax granules "Selfie", 100 g

Innovative “Selfie” wax formulation was created specifically to remove unwanted hair on the sensitive face skin.
Wax “Selfie” is formulated resin-free and is created to remove hair on the sensitive skin of the face.
Natural oils complex in wax composition cushions wax effect on face,
creates maximum protection and extra comfort during the procedure.
Wax does not burn and does not injure delicate skin, it does not leave redness even on thin and sensitive skin.
The working temperature of the wax is + 38 °C.
Produkta kods : 172104 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
2,44 € (17%)
2,95 €

Formulated with 100% natural solid coconut oil and lime peel oil.
“Citrus” is mild scrub for manicure. Sugar cane particles, due to their less abrasive nature, can be used on sensitive areas, such as the top of the hands.
Citrus essential oils tonifies the skin. The scrub deeply moistens and nourishes thanks to coconut oil, shea butter and jojoba seed oil.

Produkta kods : 181014 ,   Piegādes laiks: 1-3 päeva
8,74 €