Italwax Miraveda Scrub Citrus, 500 ml

Vienība: tk
Piegādes laiks: 1-3 päeva
14,13 €
Daudzums: - +
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Formulated with 100% natural solid coconut oil and lime peel oil.
“Citrus” is mild scrub for manicure. Sugar cane particles, due to their less abrasive nature, can be used on sensitive areas, such as the top of the hands.
Citrus essential oils tonifies the skin. The scrub deeply moistens and nourishes thanks to coconut oil, shea butter and jojoba seed oil.

Līdzīgās preces

Vasks granulās, 1000gr, baltā šokolāde

Produkta kods : 163041 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
8,82 € (52%)
18,30 €

Sejas maska ar zelta un bišu indes ekstraktiem

Nav nekāds noslēpums, ka japāņi ir nācija, kas stingri ievēro veselīga dzīvesveida noteikumus, kā arī pievērš īpašu uzmanību dabīgiem un tradicionāliem pārtikas produktiem un kosmētikai. Daudzi mēģina atklāt japāņu sieviešu skaistuma noslēpumus un saprast, kā viņām izdodas saglabāt savu jaunību. 

Zelts pozitīvi ietekmē kolagēna un elastīna veidošanos, padara ādu mirdzošu. Bišu inde jau izsenis tiek lietota kā ārstniecības līdzeklis, tā stimulē kolagēna un elastīna veidošanos, mitrina ādu padara to tvirtāku.

Produkta kods : 0001 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3-5
1,79 € (20%)
2,24 €

ItalWax TopFormula granules CRYSTAL , 750g

Semi-transparent wax has out of ordinary plasticity.
Applied by big application, doesn’t break during easy removing.
Special ingredients allow the grip and remove course and short hair from 1mm.

Produkta kods : 172036 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
9,05 € (25%)
12,10 €

Orchid Emulsion with Decelerine R Complex slows down hair growth while in the active stage. Over time hair becomes thinner and weaker reducing the need for shaving and waxing. Also contains Allantoin, fruit acids, Aloe Vera and glycerin to reduce the appearance of razor bumps and redness due to shaving and waxing while providing instant cooling and soothing to the skin.

Produkta kods : 166349 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
9,05 €

High density paste. Created for work in hot seasons, in poorly air-conditioned premises, used for depilation of high temperature areas.

Sugar Paste is a new, absolutely hypoallergenic product created in accordance with the traditional recipe “nothing extra”: only edible sugars and corn starch. It does not contain citric acid – main ingredient causing the allergic reaction. The paste has a unique consistency, very plastic and soft but at the same time does not melt or spread which provides for convenient working process.

Produkta kods : 165021 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3 päeva
7,90 €