Profis Ice Blonde PINK, anti-yellow mask 1000 ml

Vienība: tk
Piegādes laiks: 3
13,12 €
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Profis Ice Blonde PINK, anti-yellow mask 1000 ml

Thanks to the content of pink pigments, it eliminates yellow tones and gives the hair a beautiful pink tint. Cranberry and strawberry extracts help fight free radicals and improve microcirculation of the scalp. In addition, wheat extract improves hair condition, nourishes, moisturizes and restores damaged hair.

Līdzīgās preces
Tonējoša matu maska , kas sniedz matiem intensīvāku nokrāsu un spīdumu,krāsotiem matiem .
Piemērota jebkurai matu krāsai , sniedz atspirdzinājumu matiem .
Sasniedziet rezultātu tikai 3 minūtes .
Produkta kods : 55008
15,45 € (20%)
19,32 €
Izmantojot krēmu Nutri Color Crème var sasniegt vairākus rezultātus:

* Nodrošināt stabilu matu krāsošanU vienveidīgu un dziļi piesātinātu krāsu.

* Ievērojami uzlabo sākotnējo stāvokli, pateicoties spēcīgu aizsarg kompleksu, 
kas atjauno matu struktūru, piešķir elastību un maigumu, Superb gaisa kondicionieri.


Produkta kods : R1012 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
10,07 € (63%)
27,35 €
Izmantojot krēmu Nutri Color Crème var sasniegt vairākus rezultātus:

* Nodrošināt stabilu matu krāsošana vienveidīgu un dziļi piesātinātu krāsu.

* Ievērojami uzlabot sākotnējo stāvokli , pateicoties spēcīgam aizsargkompleksam,
kas atjauno matu struktūru, piešķir elastību un maigumu, * Piepildiet matus shimmering spīdums.
Produkta kods : R1013 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
10,07 € (63%)
27,35 €

Lecher Letox Hair Elixir is a professional treatment  for dry, damaged and brittle hair, which needs intensive regeneration and hydration.

Product is suitable for home use.

Lecher Professional Hair Letox components deeply penetrate into hair structure, intensively regenerate and rebuild hair. 

As a result, the hair becomes moisturised, shiny and elastic and hair surface is sealed.

In addition, the treatment provides protection against free radicals and increases the resistance to UV radiation.

 Carefully selected  active ingredients in Letox cosmetics, rebuild and nourish the hair structure.

-Keratin - as a basic hair building ingredient, deeply penetrate the hair structure, rebuild  hair structure and protects the hair from the harmful effects of external factors.

-Precious, unsaturated fatty acids from pistachio oil  - oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids give the hair optimum hydration, radiance and healthy, shiny look.

-Bamboo extract - contains silicon and minerals witch strengthen the hair fiber. High amount of flavonoids protect the scalp and hair from the damaging effects of free radicals.

-Innovative complex of ceramides and polyunsaturated fatty acids, including ceramides type 1, 3 and 6 and phytophosphinates - supplements deficiency of ceramides in intercellular compartments of the hair making it more moisturised, flexible and resilient. 

 -UV resistance protects against excessive protein degradation during hair treatments such as washing or dyeing.

Important! The product may crystallize when stored below 15 degrees. In such case immerse the vial in hot water for a few minutes until the contents turns into transparent liquid. 


1. Wash your hair with Letox Shampoo

2. Prepare Hair Letox Elixir . Mix 30ml of water with 10ml of Letox Elixir. Mix until creamy consistency is obtained. In case of short hair it is enough to mix 5 ml of Letox elixir with 15 ml of water.

3. Divide hair into 4 sections. Apply the product using brush to hair bands approx. 3cm. thick. Leave for 15 minutes After this time rinse with lukewarm water. Blow dry the hair using hair brush. 

4. Use hair straightener set at approx. 180 degree. In case of curly or wavy hair do not use hair straightener. Instead, please use a hair dryer with diffuser.


Capacity: 4 x 50ml

Produkta kods : 1931 ,   Piegādes laiks: 5
59,00 € (21%)
75,00 €


Mask for hair regeneration and moisturizing.

Mask intensively restores hair and moisturizes them, saturating with useful components of natural origin: olive oil, tamanu oil, Rhodiola rosea.

Produkta kods : 17702 ,   Piegādes laiks: 3
8,05 € (20%)
10,07 €